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des.c (17496B)

      1 #include "os.h"
      2 #include "libsec.h"
      4 /*
      5  * integrated sbox & p perm
      6  */
      7 static uint32 spbox[] = {
      9 0x00808200,0x00000000,0x00008000,0x00808202,0x00808002,0x00008202,0x00000002,0x00008000,
     10 0x00000200,0x00808200,0x00808202,0x00000200,0x00800202,0x00808002,0x00800000,0x00000002,
     11 0x00000202,0x00800200,0x00800200,0x00008200,0x00008200,0x00808000,0x00808000,0x00800202,
     12 0x00008002,0x00800002,0x00800002,0x00008002,0x00000000,0x00000202,0x00008202,0x00800000,
     13 0x00008000,0x00808202,0x00000002,0x00808000,0x00808200,0x00800000,0x00800000,0x00000200,
     14 0x00808002,0x00008000,0x00008200,0x00800002,0x00000200,0x00000002,0x00800202,0x00008202,
     15 0x00808202,0x00008002,0x00808000,0x00800202,0x00800002,0x00000202,0x00008202,0x00808200,
     16 0x00000202,0x00800200,0x00800200,0x00000000,0x00008002,0x00008200,0x00000000,0x00808002,
     18 0x40084010,0x40004000,0x00004000,0x00084010,0x00080000,0x00000010,0x40080010,0x40004010,
     19 0x40000010,0x40084010,0x40084000,0x40000000,0x40004000,0x00080000,0x00000010,0x40080010,
     20 0x00084000,0x00080010,0x40004010,0x00000000,0x40000000,0x00004000,0x00084010,0x40080000,
     21 0x00080010,0x40000010,0x00000000,0x00084000,0x00004010,0x40084000,0x40080000,0x00004010,
     22 0x00000000,0x00084010,0x40080010,0x00080000,0x40004010,0x40080000,0x40084000,0x00004000,
     23 0x40080000,0x40004000,0x00000010,0x40084010,0x00084010,0x00000010,0x00004000,0x40000000,
     24 0x00004010,0x40084000,0x00080000,0x40000010,0x00080010,0x40004010,0x40000010,0x00080010,
     25 0x00084000,0x00000000,0x40004000,0x00004010,0x40000000,0x40080010,0x40084010,0x00084000,
     27 0x00000104,0x04010100,0x00000000,0x04010004,0x04000100,0x00000000,0x00010104,0x04000100,
     28 0x00010004,0x04000004,0x04000004,0x00010000,0x04010104,0x00010004,0x04010000,0x00000104,
     29 0x04000000,0x00000004,0x04010100,0x00000100,0x00010100,0x04010000,0x04010004,0x00010104,
     30 0x04000104,0x00010100,0x00010000,0x04000104,0x00000004,0x04010104,0x00000100,0x04000000,
     31 0x04010100,0x04000000,0x00010004,0x00000104,0x00010000,0x04010100,0x04000100,0x00000000,
     32 0x00000100,0x00010004,0x04010104,0x04000100,0x04000004,0x00000100,0x00000000,0x04010004,
     33 0x04000104,0x00010000,0x04000000,0x04010104,0x00000004,0x00010104,0x00010100,0x04000004,
     34 0x04010000,0x04000104,0x00000104,0x04010000,0x00010104,0x00000004,0x04010004,0x00010100,
     36 0x80401000,0x80001040,0x80001040,0x00000040,0x00401040,0x80400040,0x80400000,0x80001000,
     37 0x00000000,0x00401000,0x00401000,0x80401040,0x80000040,0x00000000,0x00400040,0x80400000,
     38 0x80000000,0x00001000,0x00400000,0x80401000,0x00000040,0x00400000,0x80001000,0x00001040,
     39 0x80400040,0x80000000,0x00001040,0x00400040,0x00001000,0x00401040,0x80401040,0x80000040,
     40 0x00400040,0x80400000,0x00401000,0x80401040,0x80000040,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00401000,
     41 0x00001040,0x00400040,0x80400040,0x80000000,0x80401000,0x80001040,0x80001040,0x00000040,
     42 0x80401040,0x80000040,0x80000000,0x00001000,0x80400000,0x80001000,0x00401040,0x80400040,
     43 0x80001000,0x00001040,0x00400000,0x80401000,0x00000040,0x00400000,0x00001000,0x00401040,
     45 0x00000080,0x01040080,0x01040000,0x21000080,0x00040000,0x00000080,0x20000000,0x01040000,
     46 0x20040080,0x00040000,0x01000080,0x20040080,0x21000080,0x21040000,0x00040080,0x20000000,
     47 0x01000000,0x20040000,0x20040000,0x00000000,0x20000080,0x21040080,0x21040080,0x01000080,
     48 0x21040000,0x20000080,0x00000000,0x21000000,0x01040080,0x01000000,0x21000000,0x00040080,
     49 0x00040000,0x21000080,0x00000080,0x01000000,0x20000000,0x01040000,0x21000080,0x20040080,
     50 0x01000080,0x20000000,0x21040000,0x01040080,0x20040080,0x00000080,0x01000000,0x21040000,
     51 0x21040080,0x00040080,0x21000000,0x21040080,0x01040000,0x00000000,0x20040000,0x21000000,
     52 0x00040080,0x01000080,0x20000080,0x00040000,0x00000000,0x20040000,0x01040080,0x20000080,
     54 0x10000008,0x10200000,0x00002000,0x10202008,0x10200000,0x00000008,0x10202008,0x00200000,
     55 0x10002000,0x00202008,0x00200000,0x10000008,0x00200008,0x10002000,0x10000000,0x00002008,
     56 0x00000000,0x00200008,0x10002008,0x00002000,0x00202000,0x10002008,0x00000008,0x10200008,
     57 0x10200008,0x00000000,0x00202008,0x10202000,0x00002008,0x00202000,0x10202000,0x10000000,
     58 0x10002000,0x00000008,0x10200008,0x00202000,0x10202008,0x00200000,0x00002008,0x10000008,
     59 0x00200000,0x10002000,0x10000000,0x00002008,0x10000008,0x10202008,0x00202000,0x10200000,
     60 0x00202008,0x10202000,0x00000000,0x10200008,0x00000008,0x00002000,0x10200000,0x00202008,
     61 0x00002000,0x00200008,0x10002008,0x00000000,0x10202000,0x10000000,0x00200008,0x10002008,
     63 0x00100000,0x02100001,0x02000401,0x00000000,0x00000400,0x02000401,0x00100401,0x02100400,
     64 0x02100401,0x00100000,0x00000000,0x02000001,0x00000001,0x02000000,0x02100001,0x00000401,
     65 0x02000400,0x00100401,0x00100001,0x02000400,0x02000001,0x02100000,0x02100400,0x00100001,
     66 0x02100000,0x00000400,0x00000401,0x02100401,0x00100400,0x00000001,0x02000000,0x00100400,
     67 0x02000000,0x00100400,0x00100000,0x02000401,0x02000401,0x02100001,0x02100001,0x00000001,
     68 0x00100001,0x02000000,0x02000400,0x00100000,0x02100400,0x00000401,0x00100401,0x02100400,
     69 0x00000401,0x02000001,0x02100401,0x02100000,0x00100400,0x00000000,0x00000001,0x02100401,
     70 0x00000000,0x00100401,0x02100000,0x00000400,0x02000001,0x02000400,0x00000400,0x00100001,
     72 0x08000820,0x00000800,0x00020000,0x08020820,0x08000000,0x08000820,0x00000020,0x08000000,
     73 0x00020020,0x08020000,0x08020820,0x00020800,0x08020800,0x00020820,0x00000800,0x00000020,
     74 0x08020000,0x08000020,0x08000800,0x00000820,0x00020800,0x00020020,0x08020020,0x08020800,
     75 0x00000820,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x08020020,0x08000020,0x08000800,0x00020820,0x00020000,
     76 0x00020820,0x00020000,0x08020800,0x00000800,0x00000020,0x08020020,0x00000800,0x00020820,
     77 0x08000800,0x00000020,0x08000020,0x08020000,0x08020020,0x08000000,0x00020000,0x08000820,
     78 0x00000000,0x08020820,0x00020020,0x08000020,0x08020000,0x08000800,0x08000820,0x00000000,
     79 0x08020820,0x00020800,0x00020800,0x00000820,0x00000820,0x00020020,0x08000000,0x08020800,
     80 };
     82 /*
     83  * for manual index calculation
     84  * #define fetch(box, i, sh) (*((uint32*)((uchar*)spbox + (box << 8) + ((i >> (sh)) & 0xfc))))
     85  */
     86 #define fetch(box, i, sh) ((spbox+(box << 6))[((i >> (sh + 2)) & 0x3f)])
     88 /*
     89  * DES electronic codebook encryption of one block
     90  */
     91 void
     92 block_cipher(ulong key[32], uchar text[8], int decrypting)
     93 {
     94 	uint32 right, left, v0, v1;
     95 	int i, keystep;
     97 	/*
     98 	 * initial permutation
     99 	 */
    100 	v0 = text[0] | ((uint32)text[2]<<8) | ((uint32)text[4]<<16) | ((uint32)text[6]<<24);
    101 	left = text[1] | ((uint32)text[3]<<8) | ((uint32)text[5]<<16) | ((uint32)text[7]<<24);
    102 	right = (left & 0xaaaaaaaa) | ((v0 >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    103 	left = ((left << 1) & 0xaaaaaaaa) | (v0 & 0x55555555);
    104 	left = ((left << 6) & 0x33003300)
    105 		| (left & 0xcc33cc33)
    106 		| ((left >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    107 	left = ((left << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    108 		| (left & 0xf0f00f0f)
    109 		| ((left >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    110 	right = ((right << 6) & 0x33003300)
    111 		| (right & 0xcc33cc33)
    112 		| ((right >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    113 	right = ((right << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    114 		| (right & 0xf0f00f0f)
    115 		| ((right >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    117 	if (decrypting) {
    118 		keystep = -2;
    119 		key = key + 32 - 2;
    120 	} else
    121 		keystep = 2;
    122 	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    123 		v0 = key[0];
    124 		v0 ^= (right >> 1) | (right << 31);
    125 		left ^= fetch(0, v0, 24)
    126 			^ fetch(2, v0, 16)
    127 			^ fetch(4, v0, 8)
    128 			^ fetch(6, v0, 0);
    129 		v1 = key[1];
    130 		v1 ^= (right << 3) | (right >> 29);
    131 		left ^= fetch(1, v1, 24)
    132 			^ fetch(3, v1, 16)
    133 			^ fetch(5, v1, 8)
    134 			^ fetch(7, v1, 0);
    135 		key += keystep;
    137 		v0 = key[0];
    138 		v0 ^= (left >> 1) | (left << 31);
    139 		right ^= fetch(0, v0, 24)
    140 			^ fetch(2, v0, 16)
    141 			^ fetch(4, v0, 8)
    142 			^ fetch(6, v0, 0);
    143 		v1 = key[1];
    144 		v1 ^= (left << 3) | (left >> 29);
    145 		right ^= fetch(1, v1, 24)
    146 			^ fetch(3, v1, 16)
    147 			^ fetch(5, v1, 8)
    148 			^ fetch(7, v1, 0);
    149 		key += keystep;
    150 	}
    152 	/*
    153 	 * final permutation, inverse initial permutation
    154 	 */
    155 	v0 = ((left << 1) & 0xaaaaaaaa) | (right & 0x55555555);
    156 	v1 = (left & 0xaaaaaaaa) | ((right >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    157 	v1 = ((v1 << 6) & 0x33003300)
    158 		| (v1 & 0xcc33cc33)
    159 		| ((v1 >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    160 	v1 = ((v1 << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    161 		| (v1 & 0xf0f00f0f)
    162 		| ((v1 >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    163 	v0 = ((v0 << 6) & 0x33003300)
    164 		| (v0 & 0xcc33cc33)
    165 		| ((v0 >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    166 	v0 = ((v0 << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    167 		| (v0 & 0xf0f00f0f)
    168 		| ((v0 >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    169 	text[0] = v0;
    170 	text[2] = v0 >> 8;
    171 	text[4] = v0 >> 16;
    172 	text[6] = v0 >> 24;
    173 	text[1] = v1;
    174 	text[3] = v1 >> 8;
    175 	text[5] = v1 >> 16;
    176 	text[7] = v1 >> 24;
    177 }
    179 /*
    180  * triple DES electronic codebook encryption of one block
    181  */
    182 void
    183 triple_block_cipher(ulong expanded_key[3][32], uchar text[8], int ende)
    184 {
    185 	ulong *key;
    186 	uint32 right, left, v0, v1;
    187 	int i, j, keystep;
    189 	/*
    190 	 * initial permutation
    191 	 */
    192 	v0 = text[0] | ((uint32)text[2]<<8) | ((uint32)text[4]<<16) | ((uint32)text[6]<<24);
    193 	left = text[1] | ((uint32)text[3]<<8) | ((uint32)text[5]<<16) | ((uint32)text[7]<<24);
    194 	right = (left & 0xaaaaaaaa) | ((v0 >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    195 	left = ((left << 1) & 0xaaaaaaaa) | (v0 & 0x55555555);
    196 	left = ((left << 6) & 0x33003300)
    197 		| (left & 0xcc33cc33)
    198 		| ((left >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    199 	left = ((left << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    200 		| (left & 0xf0f00f0f)
    201 		| ((left >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    202 	right = ((right << 6) & 0x33003300)
    203 		| (right & 0xcc33cc33)
    204 		| ((right >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    205 	right = ((right << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    206 		| (right & 0xf0f00f0f)
    207 		| ((right >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    209 	for(j = 0; j < 3; j++){
    210 		if((ende & 1) == DES3D) {
    211 			key = &expanded_key[2-j][32-2];
    212 			keystep = -2;
    213 		} else {
    214 			key = &expanded_key[j][0];
    215 			keystep = 2;
    216 		}
    217 		ende >>= 1;
    218 		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    219 			v0 = key[0];
    220 			v0 ^= (right >> 1) | (right << 31);
    221 			left ^= fetch(0, v0, 24)
    222 				^ fetch(2, v0, 16)
    223 				^ fetch(4, v0, 8)
    224 				^ fetch(6, v0, 0);
    225 			v1 = key[1];
    226 			v1 ^= (right << 3) | (right >> 29);
    227 			left ^= fetch(1, v1, 24)
    228 				^ fetch(3, v1, 16)
    229 				^ fetch(5, v1, 8)
    230 				^ fetch(7, v1, 0);
    231 			key += keystep;
    233 			v0 = key[0];
    234 			v0 ^= (left >> 1) | (left << 31);
    235 			right ^= fetch(0, v0, 24)
    236 				^ fetch(2, v0, 16)
    237 				^ fetch(4, v0, 8)
    238 				^ fetch(6, v0, 0);
    239 			v1 = key[1];
    240 			v1 ^= (left << 3) | (left >> 29);
    241 			right ^= fetch(1, v1, 24)
    242 				^ fetch(3, v1, 16)
    243 				^ fetch(5, v1, 8)
    244 				^ fetch(7, v1, 0);
    245 			key += keystep;
    246 		}
    248 		v0 = left;
    249 		left = right;
    250 		right = v0;
    251 	}
    253 	/*
    254 	 * final permutation, inverse initial permutation
    255 	 * left and right are swapped here
    256 	 */
    257 	v0 = ((right << 1) & 0xaaaaaaaa) | (left & 0x55555555);
    258 	v1 = (right & 0xaaaaaaaa) | ((left >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    259 	v1 = ((v1 << 6) & 0x33003300)
    260 		| (v1 & 0xcc33cc33)
    261 		| ((v1 >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    262 	v1 = ((v1 << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    263 		| (v1 & 0xf0f00f0f)
    264 		| ((v1 >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    265 	v0 = ((v0 << 6) & 0x33003300)
    266 		| (v0 & 0xcc33cc33)
    267 		| ((v0 >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    268 	v0 = ((v0 << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    269 		| (v0 & 0xf0f00f0f)
    270 		| ((v0 >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    271 	text[0] = v0;
    272 	text[2] = v0 >> 8;
    273 	text[4] = v0 >> 16;
    274 	text[6] = v0 >> 24;
    275 	text[1] = v1;
    276 	text[3] = v1 >> 8;
    277 	text[5] = v1 >> 16;
    278 	text[7] = v1 >> 24;
    279 }
    281 /*
    282  * key compression permutation, 4 bits at a time
    283  */
    284 static uint32 comptab[] = {
    286 0x000000,0x010000,0x000008,0x010008,0x000080,0x010080,0x000088,0x010088,
    287 0x000000,0x010000,0x000008,0x010008,0x000080,0x010080,0x000088,0x010088,
    289 0x000000,0x100000,0x000800,0x100800,0x000000,0x100000,0x000800,0x100800,
    290 0x002000,0x102000,0x002800,0x102800,0x002000,0x102000,0x002800,0x102800,
    292 0x000000,0x000004,0x000400,0x000404,0x000000,0x000004,0x000400,0x000404,
    293 0x400000,0x400004,0x400400,0x400404,0x400000,0x400004,0x400400,0x400404,
    295 0x000000,0x000020,0x008000,0x008020,0x800000,0x800020,0x808000,0x808020,
    296 0x000002,0x000022,0x008002,0x008022,0x800002,0x800022,0x808002,0x808022,
    298 0x000000,0x000200,0x200000,0x200200,0x001000,0x001200,0x201000,0x201200,
    299 0x000000,0x000200,0x200000,0x200200,0x001000,0x001200,0x201000,0x201200,
    301 0x000000,0x000040,0x000010,0x000050,0x004000,0x004040,0x004010,0x004050,
    302 0x040000,0x040040,0x040010,0x040050,0x044000,0x044040,0x044010,0x044050,
    304 0x000000,0x000100,0x020000,0x020100,0x000001,0x000101,0x020001,0x020101,
    305 0x080000,0x080100,0x0a0000,0x0a0100,0x080001,0x080101,0x0a0001,0x0a0101,
    307 0x000000,0x000100,0x040000,0x040100,0x000000,0x000100,0x040000,0x040100,
    308 0x000040,0x000140,0x040040,0x040140,0x000040,0x000140,0x040040,0x040140,
    310 0x000000,0x400000,0x008000,0x408000,0x000008,0x400008,0x008008,0x408008,
    311 0x000400,0x400400,0x008400,0x408400,0x000408,0x400408,0x008408,0x408408,
    313 0x000000,0x001000,0x080000,0x081000,0x000020,0x001020,0x080020,0x081020,
    314 0x004000,0x005000,0x084000,0x085000,0x004020,0x005020,0x084020,0x085020,
    316 0x000000,0x000800,0x000000,0x000800,0x000010,0x000810,0x000010,0x000810,
    317 0x800000,0x800800,0x800000,0x800800,0x800010,0x800810,0x800010,0x800810,
    319 0x000000,0x010000,0x000200,0x010200,0x000000,0x010000,0x000200,0x010200,
    320 0x100000,0x110000,0x100200,0x110200,0x100000,0x110000,0x100200,0x110200,
    322 0x000000,0x000004,0x000000,0x000004,0x000080,0x000084,0x000080,0x000084,
    323 0x002000,0x002004,0x002000,0x002004,0x002080,0x002084,0x002080,0x002084,
    325 0x000000,0x000001,0x200000,0x200001,0x020000,0x020001,0x220000,0x220001,
    326 0x000002,0x000003,0x200002,0x200003,0x020002,0x020003,0x220002,0x220003,
    327 };
    329 static int keysh[] =
    330 {
    331 	1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1,
    332 };
    334 static void
    335 keycompperm(uint32 left, uint32 right, ulong *ek)
    336 {
    337 	uint32 v0, v1;
    338 	int i;
    340 	for(i = 0; i < 16; i++){
    341 		left = (left << keysh[i]) | (left >> (28 - keysh[i]));
    342 		left &= 0xfffffff0;
    343 		right = (right << keysh[i]) | (right >> (28 - keysh[i]));
    344 		right &= 0xfffffff0;
    345 		v0 = comptab[6 * (1 << 4) + ((left >> (32-4)) & 0xf)]
    346 			| comptab[5 * (1 << 4) + ((left >> (32-8)) & 0xf)]
    347 			| comptab[4 * (1 << 4) + ((left >> (32-12)) & 0xf)]
    348 			| comptab[3 * (1 << 4) + ((left >> (32-16)) & 0xf)]
    349 			| comptab[2 * (1 << 4) + ((left >> (32-20)) & 0xf)]
    350 			| comptab[1 * (1 << 4) + ((left >> (32-24)) & 0xf)]
    351 			| comptab[0 * (1 << 4) + ((left >> (32-28)) & 0xf)];
    352 		v1 = comptab[13 * (1 << 4) + ((right >> (32-4)) & 0xf)]
    353 			| comptab[12 * (1 << 4) + ((right >> (32-8)) & 0xf)]
    354 			| comptab[11 * (1 << 4) + ((right >> (32-12)) & 0xf)]
    355 			| comptab[10 * (1 << 4) + ((right >> (32-16)) & 0xf)]
    356 			| comptab[9 * (1 << 4) + ((right >> (32-20)) & 0xf)]
    357 			| comptab[8 * (1 << 4) + ((right >> (32-24)) & 0xf)]
    358 			| comptab[7 * (1 << 4) + ((right >> (32-28)) & 0xf)];
    359 		ek[0] = (((v0 >> (24-6)) & 0x3f) << 26)
    360 			| (((v0 >> (24-18)) & 0x3f) << 18)
    361 			| (((v1 >> (24-6)) & 0x3f) << 10)
    362 			| (((v1 >> (24-18)) & 0x3f) << 2);
    363 		ek[1] = (((v0 >> (24-12)) & 0x3f) << 26)
    364 			| (((v0 >> (24-24)) & 0x3f) << 18)
    365 			| (((v1 >> (24-12)) & 0x3f) << 10)
    366 			| (((v1 >> (24-24)) & 0x3f) << 2);
    367 		ek += 2;
    368 	}
    369 }
    371 void
    372 des_key_setup(uchar key[8], ulong *ek)
    373 {
    374 	uint32 left, right, v0, v1;
    376 	v0 = key[0] | ((uint32)key[2] << 8) | ((uint32)key[4] << 16) | ((uint32)key[6] << 24);
    377 	v1 = key[1] | ((uint32)key[3] << 8) | ((uint32)key[5] << 16) | ((uint32)key[7] << 24);
    378 	left = ((v0 >> 1) & 0x40404040)
    379 		| ((v0 >> 2) & 0x10101010)
    380 		| ((v0 >> 3) & 0x04040404)
    381 		| ((v0 >> 4) & 0x01010101)
    382 		| ((v1 >> 0) & 0x80808080)
    383 		| ((v1 >> 1) & 0x20202020)
    384 		| ((v1 >> 2) & 0x08080808)
    385 		| ((v1 >> 3) & 0x02020202);
    386 	right = ((v0 >> 1) & 0x04040404)
    387 		| ((v0 << 2) & 0x10101010)
    388 		| ((v0 << 5) & 0x40404040)
    389 		| ((v1 << 0) & 0x08080808)
    390 		| ((v1 << 3) & 0x20202020)
    391 		| ((v1 << 6) & 0x80808080);
    392 	left = ((left << 6) & 0x33003300)
    393 		| (left & 0xcc33cc33)
    394 		| ((left >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    395 	v0 = ((left << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    396 		| (left & 0xf0f00f0f)
    397 		| ((left >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    398 	right = ((right << 6) & 0x33003300)
    399 		| (right & 0xcc33cc33)
    400 		| ((right >> 6) & 0x00cc00cc);
    401 	v1 = ((right << 12) & 0x0f0f0000)
    402 		| (right & 0xf0f00f0f)
    403 		| ((right >> 12) & 0x0000f0f0);
    404 	left = v0 & 0xfffffff0;
    405 	right = (v1 & 0xffffff00) | ((v0 << 4) & 0xf0);
    407 	keycompperm(left, right, ek);
    408 }
    410 static uchar parity[128] =
    411 {
    412 	0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 
    413 	0x10, 0x13, 0x15, 0x16, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1f, 
    414 	0x20, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2c, 0x2f, 
    415 	0x31, 0x32, 0x34, 0x37, 0x38, 0x3b, 0x3d, 0x3e, 
    416 	0x40, 0x43, 0x45, 0x46, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x4f, 
    417 	0x51, 0x52, 0x54, 0x57, 0x58, 0x5b, 0x5d, 0x5e, 
    418 	0x61, 0x62, 0x64, 0x67, 0x68, 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x6e, 
    419 	0x70, 0x73, 0x75, 0x76, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7c, 0x7f, 
    420 	0x80, 0x83, 0x85, 0x86, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8f, 
    421 	0x91, 0x92, 0x94, 0x97, 0x98, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0x9e, 
    422 	0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa4, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xab, 0xad, 0xae, 
    423 	0xb0, 0xb3, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbc, 0xbf, 
    424 	0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc4, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xcb, 0xcd, 0xce, 
    425 	0xd0, 0xd3, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdc, 0xdf, 
    426 	0xe0, 0xe3, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xec, 0xef, 
    427 	0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf4, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xfb, 0xfd, 0xfe,
    428 };
    430 /*
    431  *  convert a 7 byte key to an 8 byte one
    432  */
    433 void
    434 des56to64(uchar *k56, uchar *k64)
    435 {
    436 	uint32 hi, lo;
    438 	hi = ((uint32)k56[0]<<24)|((uint32)k56[1]<<16)|((uint32)k56[2]<<8)|k56[3];
    439 	lo = ((uint32)k56[4]<<24)|((uint32)k56[5]<<16)|((uint32)k56[6]<<8);
    441 	k64[0] = parity[(hi>>25)&0x7f];
    442 	k64[1] = parity[(hi>>18)&0x7f];
    443 	k64[2] = parity[(hi>>11)&0x7f];
    444 	k64[3] = parity[(hi>>4)&0x7f];
    445 	k64[4] = parity[((hi<<3)|(lo>>29))&0x7f];
    446 	k64[5] = parity[(lo>>22)&0x7f];
    447 	k64[6] = parity[(lo>>15)&0x7f];
    448 	k64[7] = parity[(lo>>8)&0x7f];
    449 }
    451 /*
    452  *  convert an 8 byte key to a 7 byte one
    453  */
    454 void
    455 des64to56(uchar *k64, uchar *k56)
    456 {
    457 	uint32 hi, lo;
    459 	hi = (((uint32)k64[0]&0xfe)<<24)|(((uint32)k64[1]&0xfe)<<17)|(((uint32)k64[2]&0xfe)<<10)
    460 		|((k64[3]&0xfe)<<3)|(k64[4]>>4);
    461 	lo = (((uint32)k64[4]&0xfe)<<28)|(((uint32)k64[5]&0xfe)<<21)|(((uint32)k64[6]&0xfe)<<14)
    462 		|(((uint32)k64[7]&0xfe)<<7);
    464 	k56[0] = hi>>24;
    465 	k56[1] = hi>>16;
    466 	k56[2] = hi>>8;
    467 	k56[3] = hi>>0;
    468 	k56[4] = lo>>24;
    469 	k56[5] = lo>>16;
    470 	k56[6] = lo>>8;
    471 }
    473 void
    474 key_setup(uchar key[7], ulong *ek)
    475 {
    476 	uchar k64[8];
    478 	des56to64(key, k64);
    479 	des_key_setup(k64, ek);	
    480 }