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freebsd.c (12246B)

      1 // Code specific to x86 hosts running FreeBSD.
      3 #include <stdio.h>
      4 #include <string.h>
      5 #include <signal.h>
      6 #include <unistd.h>
      7 #include <stdlib.h>
      8 #include <assert.h>
      9 #include <ucontext.h>
     10 #include <machine/ucontext.h>
     12 #include <machine/segments.h>
     13 #include <machine/sysarch.h>
     15 #include "vx32.h"
     16 #include "vx32impl.h"
     17 #include "os.h"
     19 #if __FreeBSD__ < 7
     20 #warning "libvx32 and FreeBSD 5 and 6's libpthread are not compatible."
     21 #endif
     23 #ifdef __i386__
     24 static void setbase(struct segment_descriptor *desc, unsigned long base)
     25 #elif defined __amd64__
     26 static void setbase(struct user_segment_descriptor *desc, unsigned long base)
     27 #endif
     28 {
     29 	desc->sd_lobase = base & 0xffffff;
     30 	desc->sd_hibase = base >> 24;
     31 }
     33 #ifdef __i386__
     34 static void setlimit(struct segment_descriptor *desc, unsigned long limit)
     35 #elif defined __amd64__
     36 static void setlimit(struct user_segment_descriptor *desc, unsigned long limit)
     37 #endif
     38 {
     39 	desc->sd_lolimit = limit & 0xffff;
     40 	desc->sd_hilimit = limit >> 16;
     41 }
     43 /*
     44 #ifdef __amd64__
     45 union descriptor {
     46 	struct user_segment_descriptor sd;
     47 	struct gate_descriptor gd;
     48 };
     49 #endif
     50 */
     52 int vxemu_map(vxemu *emu, vxmmap *mm)
     53 {
     54 	int s, sel;
     55 	struct vxproc *vxp;
     56 	union descriptor desc;
     58 	vxp = emu->proc;
     60 	if (emu->ldt_base != (uintptr_t)mm->base || emu->ldt_size != mm->size) {
     61 		// Set up the process's data segment selector (for DS,ES,SS).
     62 		memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc));
     63 		setbase(&desc.sd, (unsigned long)mm->base);
     64 		setlimit(&desc.sd, (mm->size - 1) >> VXPAGESHIFT);
     65 		desc.sd.sd_type = SDT_MEMRWA;
     66 		desc.sd.sd_dpl = 3;
     67 		desc.sd.sd_p = 1;
     68 		desc.sd.sd_def32 = 1;
     69 		desc.sd.sd_gran = 1;
     70 		if(emu->datasel == 0){
     71 #ifdef __i386__
     72 			if ((s = i386_set_ldt(LDT_AUTO_ALLOC, &desc, 1)) < 0)
     73 #elif defined __amd64__
     74 			if ((s = sysarch(I386_SET_GSBASE, &desc)) < 0)
     75 #endif
     76 				return -1;
     77 			emu->datasel = (s<<3) + 4 + 3;	// 4=LDT, 3=RPL
     78 #ifdef __i386__
     79 		}else if (i386_set_ldt(emu->datasel >> 3, &desc, 1) < 0)
     80 #elif defined __amd64__
     81 		}else if (sysarch(I386_SET_GSBASE, &desc) < 0)
     82 #endif
     83 			return -1;
     85 		// Set up the process's vxemu segment selector (for FS).
     86 		setbase(&desc.sd, (unsigned long)emu);
     87 		setlimit(&desc.sd, (VXCODEBUFSIZE - 1) >> VXPAGESHIFT);
     88 		if(emu->emusel == 0){
     89 #ifdef __i386__
     90 			if ((s = i386_set_ldt(LDT_AUTO_ALLOC, &desc, 1)) < 0)
     91 #elif defined __amd64__
     92 			if ((s = sysarch(I386_SET_GSBASE, &desc)) < 0)
     93 #endif
     94 				return -1;
     95 			emu->emusel = (s<<3) + 4 + 3;	// 4=LDT, 3=RPL
     96 #ifdef __i386__
     97 		}else if (i386_set_ldt(emu->emusel >> 3, &desc, 1) < 0)
     98 #elif defined __amd64__
     99 		}else if (sysarch(I386_SET_GSBASE, &desc) < 0)
    100 #endif
    101 			return -1;
    103 		emu->ldt_base = (uintptr_t)mm->base;
    104 		emu->ldt_size = mm->size;
    105 	}
    107 #ifdef __amd64__
    108 /*
    109 	// Set up 32-bit mode code and data segments (not vxproc-specific),
    110 	// giving access to the full low 32-bit of linear address space.
    111 	// The code segment is necessary to get into 32-bit compatibility mode;
    112 	// the data segment is needed because Linux for x86-64
    113 	// doesn't give 64-bit processes a "real" data segment by default
    114 	// but instead just loads zero into the data segment selectors!
    115 	emu->runptr.sel = FLATCODE;
    116 	setbase(&desc.sd, 0);
    117 	setlimit(&desc.sd, 0xfffff);
    118 	if ((s = sysarch(I386_SET_GSBASE, &desc)) < 0)
    119 		return -1;
    121 	desc.entry_number = FLATDATA / 8;
    122 	desc.contents = MODIFY_LDT_CONTENTS_DATA;
    123 	if (modify_ldt(1, &desc, sizeof(desc)) < 0)
    124 		return -1;
    126 	// Set up a far return vector in emu->retptr
    127 	// for getting back into 64-bit long mode.
    128 	extern void vxrun_return();
    129 	asm volatile("movw %%cs,%0" : "=r" (emu->retptr.sel));
    130 	emu->retptr.ofs = (uint32_t)(intptr_t)vxrun_return;
    131 */
    132 #endif
    134 	return 0;
    135 }
    137 static void dumpmcontext(mcontext_t *ctx, uint32_t cr2)
    138 {
    139 #ifdef i386
    140 	vxprint(
    141 		"eax %08x  ebx %08x ecx %08x  edx %08x\n"
    142 		"esi %08x  edi %08x ebp %08x  esp %08x\n"
    143 		"eip %08x  efl %08x  cs %04x\n"
    144 		"err %08x  trapno %08x  cr2 %08x\n",
    145 		ctx->mc_eax, ctx->mc_ebx, ctx->mc_ecx, ctx->mc_edx,
    146 		ctx->mc_esi, ctx->mc_edi, ctx->mc_ebp, ctx->mc_esp,
    147 		ctx->mc_eip, ctx->mc_eflags, ctx->mc_cs,
    148 		ctx->mc_err, ctx->mc_trapno, cr2);
    149 #else
    150 	vxprint(
    151 		"rax %016lx  rbx %016lx\nrcx %016lx  rdx %016lx\n"
    152 		"rsi %016lx  rdi %016lx\nrbp %016lx  rsp %016lx\n"
    153 		"r8  %016lx  r9  %016lx\nr10 %016lx  r11 %016lx\n"
    154 		"r12 %016lx  r13 %016lx\nr14 %016lx  r15 %016lx\n"
    155 		"rip %016lx  efl %016lx  cs %04x  ss %04x\n"
    156 		"err %016lx  trapno %016lx  cr2 %016lx\n",
    157 		ctx->mc_rax, ctx->mc_rbx, ctx->mc_rcx, ctx->mc_rdx,
    158 		ctx->mc_rsi, ctx->mc_rdi, ctx->mc_rbp, ctx->mc_rsp,
    159 		ctx->mc_r8, ctx->mc_r9, ctx->mc_r10, ctx->mc_r11,
    160 		ctx->mc_r12, ctx->mc_r13, ctx->mc_r14, ctx->mc_r15,
    161 		ctx->mc_rip, ctx->mc_rflags, ctx->mc_cs, ctx->mc_ss,
    162 		ctx->mc_err, ctx->mc_trapno, cr2);
    163 #endif
    164 }
    166 static void
    167 fprestore(int *state, int fmt)
    168 {
    169 #ifdef __i386__
    170 	if(fmt == _MC_FPFMT_387)
    171 		asm volatile("frstor 0(%%eax); fwait\n" : : "a" (state) : "memory");
    172 	else
    173 #endif
    174 	if(fmt == _MC_FPFMT_XMM){
    175 		/* Have to 16-align the 512-byte state */
    176 		char buf[512+16], *p;
    177 		p = buf;
    178 		if((long)p&15)
    179 			p += 16 - (long)p&15;
    180 		memmove(p, state, 512);
    181 #ifdef __i386__
    182 		asm volatile("fxrstor 0(%%eax); fwait\n" : : "a" (p) : "memory");
    183 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    184 		asm volatile("fxrstor 0(%%rax); fwait\n" : : "a" (p) : "memory");
    185 #endif
    186 	}else
    187 		abort();
    188 }
    190 int vx32_sighandler(int signo, siginfo_t *si, void *v)
    191 {
    192 	int r;
    193 	uint32_t magic;
    194 	uint16_t vs, oldvs;
    195 	vxproc *vxp;
    196 	vxemu *emu;
    197 	ucontext_t *uc;
    198 	mcontext_t *mc;
    200 	uc = v;
    201 	mc = &uc->uc_mcontext;
    203 	// We can't be sure that vxemu is running,
    204 	// and thus that %VSEG is actually mapped to a
    205 	// valid vxemu.  The only way to tell is to look at %VSEG.
    207 	// First sanity check vxproc segment number.
    208 	// FreeBSD reset the register before entering the handler!
    209 #ifdef __i386__
    210 	asm("movw %"VSEGSTR",%0"
    211 		: "=r" (oldvs));
    212 	vs = mc->mc_vs & 0xFFFF;	/* mc_vs #defined in os.h */
    213 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    214 	if (sysarch(I386_GET_GSBASE, &vs) < 0)
    215 		return 0;
    216 #endif
    218 #ifdef __i386__
    219 	if(0) vxprint("vx32_sighandler signo=%d eip=%#x esp=%#x vs=%#x currentvs=%#x\n",
    220 		signo, mc->mc_eip, mc->mc_esp, vs, oldvs);
    221 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    222 	if(0) vxprint("vx32_sighandler signo=%d rip=%#x rsp=%#x vs=%#x currentvs=%#x\n",
    223 		signo, mc->mc_rip, mc->mc_rsp, vs, oldvs);
    224 #endif
    226 	if ((vs & 7) != 7)	// LDT, RPL=3
    227 		return 0;
    229 	// Okay, assume mapped; check for vxemu by reading
    230 	// first word from vs.  Have to put vs into the segment
    231 	// register and then take it back out.
    232 	asm("movw %"VSEGSTR",%1\n"
    233 		"movw %2,%"VSEGSTR"\n"
    234 		"movl %"VSEGSTR":%3,%0\n"
    235 		"movw %1,%"VSEGSTR"\n"
    236 		: "=r" (magic), "=r" (oldvs)
    237 		: "r" (vs), "m" (((vxemu*)0)->magic));
    238 	if (magic != VXEMU_MAGIC)
    239 		return 0;
    241 	// Okay, we're convinced.
    243 	// Find current vxproc and vxemu.
    244 #ifdef __i386__
    245 	asm("movw %"VSEGSTR",%1\n"
    246 		"movw %2,%"VSEGSTR"\n"
    247 		"movl %"VSEGSTR":%3,%0\n"
    248 		"movw %1,%"VSEGSTR"\n"
    249 		: "=r" (vxp), "=r" (oldvs)
    250 		: "r" (vs), "m" (((vxemu*)0)->proc));
    251 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    252 	asm("movw %"VSEGSTR",%1\n"
    253 		"movw %2,%"VSEGSTR"\n"
    254 		"movw %"VSEGSTR":%3,%0\n"
    255 		"movw %1,%"VSEGSTR"\n"
    256 		: "=r" (vxp), "=r" (oldvs)
    257 		: "r" (vs), "m" (((vxemu*)0)->proc));
    258 #endif
    259 	emu = vxp->emu;
    261 	// Get back our regular host segment register state,
    262 	// so that thread-local storage and such works.
    263 	vxrun_cleanup(emu);
    265 	// dumpmcontext(mc, (uint32_t)si->si_addr);
    267 	uint32_t addr;
    268 	int newtrap;
    269 	addr = 0;
    270 	switch(signo){
    271 	case SIGSEGV:
    272 		newtrap = VXTRAP_PAGEFAULT;
    273 #ifdef __i386__
    274 		addr = (uint32_t)si->si_addr;
    275 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    276 		addr = (uint64_t)si->si_addr;
    277 #endif
    278 		break;
    279 	case SIGBUS:
    280 		/*
    281 		 * On FreeBSD, SIGBUS means segmentation limit fault.
    282 		 * The supplied address is bogus.
    283 		 */
    284 		newtrap = VXTRAP_PAGEFAULT;
    285 		addr = 0;
    286 		break;
    288 	case SIGFPE:
    289 		// vxprint("fpe %d\n", si->si_code);
    290 		newtrap = VXTRAP_FLOAT;
    291 		addr = 0;
    292 		break;
    294 	case SIGVTALRM:
    295 		newtrap = VXTRAP_IRQ + VXIRQ_TIMER;
    296 		addr = 0;
    297 		break;
    299 	case SIGTRAP:
    300 		// FreeBSD sends SIGTRAP when it gets a processor 
    301 		// debug exception, which is caused by single-stepping
    302 		// with the TF bit, among other things.  
    303 		// It appears that FreeBSD does not turn the flag back on
    304 		// before entering the signal handler.
    305 		addr = 0;
    306 		newtrap = VXTRAP_SINGLESTEP;
    307 #ifdef __i386__
    308 		mc->mc_eflags &= ~EFLAGS_TF;	// Just in case.
    309 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    310 		mc->mc_rflags &= ~EFLAGS_TF;	// Just in case.
    311 #endif
    312 		break;
    314 	default:
    315 		newtrap = VXTRAP_SIGNAL + signo;
    316 		break;
    317 	}
    319 	int replaced_trap = 0;
    320 	if (emu->cpu_trap) {
    321 		// There's already a pending trap!
    322 		// Handle the new trap, and assume that when it
    323 		// finishes, restarting the code at cpu.eip will trigger
    324 		// the old trap again.
    325 		// Have to fix up eip for int 0x30 and syscall instructions.
    326 		if (emu->cpu_trap == VXTRAP_SYSCALL ||
    327 				(emu->cpu_trap&VXTRAP_CATEGORY) == VXTRAP_SOFT)
    328 			emu->cpu.eip -= 2;
    329 		replaced_trap = emu->cpu_trap;
    330 	}
    331 	emu->cpu_trap = newtrap;
    333 #ifdef __i386__
    334 	r = vxemu_sighandler(emu, mc->mc_eip);
    335 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    336 	r = vxemu_sighandler(emu, mc->mc_rip);
    337 #endif
    339 	if (r == VXSIG_SINGLESTEP){
    340 		// Vxemu_sighandler wants us to single step.
    341 		// Execution state is in intermediate state - don't touch.
    342 #ifdef __i386__
    343 		mc->mc_eflags |= EFLAGS_TF;		// x86 TF (single-step) bit
    344 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    345 		mc->mc_rflags |= EFLAGS_TF;
    346 #endif
    347 		vxrun_setup(emu);
    348 		return 1;
    349 	}
    351 	// Copy execution state into emu.
    352 	if ((r & VXSIG_SAVE_ALL) == VXSIG_SAVE_ALL) {
    353 #ifdef __i386__
    354 		emu->cpu.reg[EAX] = mc->mc_eax;
    355 		emu->cpu.reg[EBX] = mc->mc_ebx;
    356 		emu->cpu.reg[ECX] = mc->mc_ecx;
    357 		emu->cpu.reg[EDX] = mc->mc_edx;
    358 		emu->cpu.reg[ESI] = mc->mc_esi;
    359 		emu->cpu.reg[EDI] = mc->mc_edi;
    360 		emu->cpu.reg[ESP] = mc->mc_esp;	// or esp_at_signal ???
    361 		emu->cpu.reg[EBP] = mc->mc_ebp;
    362 		emu->cpu.eflags = mc->mc_eflags;
    363 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    364 		emu->cpu.reg[EAX] = mc->mc_rax;
    365 		emu->cpu.reg[EBX] = mc->mc_rbx;
    366 		emu->cpu.reg[ECX] = mc->mc_rcx;
    367 		emu->cpu.reg[EDX] = mc->mc_rdx;
    368 		emu->cpu.reg[ESI] = mc->mc_rsi;
    369 		emu->cpu.reg[EDI] = mc->mc_rdi;
    370 		emu->cpu.reg[ESP] = mc->mc_rsp;	// or esp_at_signal ???
    371 		emu->cpu.reg[EBP] = mc->mc_rbp;
    372 		emu->cpu.eflags = mc->mc_rflags;
    373 #endif
    374 	} else if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_ALL) {
    375 		if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_EAX)
    376 #ifdef __i386__
    377 			emu->cpu.reg[EAX] = mc->mc_eax;
    378 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    379 			emu->cpu.reg[EAX] = mc->mc_rax;
    380 #endif
    381 		if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_EBX)
    382 #ifdef __i386__
    383 			emu->cpu.reg[EBX] = mc->mc_ebx;
    384 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    385 			emu->cpu.reg[EBX] = mc->mc_rbx;
    386 #endif
    387 		if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_ECX)
    388 #ifdef __i386__
    389 			emu->cpu.reg[ECX] = mc->mc_ecx;
    390 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    391 			emu->cpu.reg[ECX] = mc->mc_rcx;
    392 #endif
    393 		if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_EDX)
    394 #ifdef __i386__
    395 			emu->cpu.reg[EDX] = mc->mc_edx;
    396 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    397 			emu->cpu.reg[EDX] = mc->mc_rdx;
    398 #endif
    399 		if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_ESI)
    400 #ifdef __i386__
    401 			emu->cpu.reg[ESI] =  mc->mc_esi;
    402 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    403 			emu->cpu.reg[ESI] =  mc->mc_rsi;
    404 #endif
    405 		if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_EDI)
    406 #ifdef __i386__
    407 			emu->cpu.reg[EDI] = mc->mc_edi;
    408 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    409 			emu->cpu.reg[EDI] = mc->mc_rdi;
    410 #endif
    411 		if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_ESP)
    412 #ifdef __i386__
    413 			emu->cpu.reg[ESP] = mc->mc_esp;	// or esp_at_signal ???
    414 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    415 			emu->cpu.reg[ESP] = mc->mc_rsp;	// or esp_at_signal ???
    416 #endif
    417 		if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_EBP)
    418 #ifdef __i386__
    419 			emu->cpu.reg[EBP] = mc->mc_ebp;
    420 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    421 			emu->cpu.reg[EBP] = mc->mc_rbp;
    422 #endif
    423 		if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_EFLAGS)
    424 #ifdef __i386__
    425 			emu->cpu.eflags = mc->mc_eflags;
    426 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    427 			emu->cpu.eflags = mc->mc_rflags;
    428 #endif
    429 	}
    430 	r &= ~VXSIG_SAVE_ALL;
    432 	if (r & VXSIG_SAVE_EBX_AS_EIP)
    433 #ifdef __i386__
    434 		emu->cpu.eip = mc->mc_ebx;
    435 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    436 		emu->cpu.eip = mc->mc_rbx;
    437 #endif
    438 	r &= ~VXSIG_SAVE_EBX_AS_EIP;
    440 	if (r & VXSIG_ADD_COUNT_TO_ESP) {
    441 		emu->cpu.reg[ESP] += (uint16_t)(r >> VXSIG_COUNT_SHIFT);
    442 		r &= ~VXSIG_ADD_COUNT_TO_ESP;
    443 		r &= ~(0xFFFF << VXSIG_COUNT_SHIFT);
    444 	}
    446 	if (r &  VXSIG_INC_ECX) {
    447 		emu->cpu.reg[ECX]++;
    448 		r &= ~VXSIG_INC_ECX;
    449 	}
    451 	if (r == VXSIG_TRAP) {
    452 		if (emu->trapenv == NULL)
    453 			return 0;
    454 		emu->cpu.traperr = mc->mc_err;
    455 		emu->cpu.trapva = addr;
    456 #ifdef __i386__
    457 		memmove(&mc->mc_gs, &emu->trapenv->mc_gs, 19*4);
    458 #elif defined(__amd64__)
    459 		memmove(&mc->mc_onstack, &emu->trapenv->mc_onstack, sizeof(mcontext_t));
    460 #endif
    461 		return 1;
    462 	}
    464 	// The signal handler is confused; so are we.
    465 	return 0;
    466 }